puzzle box

Box rules

  1. Everything you need is on the sides of the box. 
  2. Solve the box and get 4 numbers.
  3. You don’t need to remove or untie the ropes.
  4. When you put the correct code, try to pull the end with ropes like a drawer. 
  5. If you can’t open – it means the code is incorrect. Try to solve it one more time. 
  6. If you get stuck, scroll down and you will find the hints. 

Good luck!


First hint

Check the box from all sides.

Second hint

Pay attention to the codes on the bottom of the box. Also, above the numbers there are numbers, which show the sequence.  

Third hint

You need to connect ropes with symbols on the walls. The length of ropes are different for a reason. 

Fourth hint

You need to reach symbols with the ends of the ropes. Symbol which you reach exactly (the rope doesn’t overlap the symbol or is not too far from the symbol), will be correct code. 

Correct code

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