Box rules

  1. Solve the box and get 3 numbers (they can also be two digit numbers).
  2. Everything you need is on the sides of the box. 
  3. Turn two full circles clockwise and while turning the third time stop on first number you got.
  4. Turn one full circle counterclockwise and while turning second circle stop on second number you got.
  5. Turn clockwise and stop on the third number.
  6. Push the latch to “open” side and the doors should open.
  7. If you can’t slide – it means the code is incorrect. Try to solve it one more time.
  8. If you get stuck, scroll down and you will find the hints.

Good luck!


First hint
Check the box from all sides.
Second hint
Pay attention to the codes on the bottom of the box. Also, on every pirate there are letter, which show the sequence.
Third hint
Face expressions of the pirates looks different. Why?
Fourth hint
Pay attention to the eyebrows. Connect each eyebrow with number on the bottom of the box.
Fifth hint
Every pirate has two eyebrows. It means you will get three two digit codes. Put the correct numbers by the instructions in the rules.
Correct code

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